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Sunset on the Adriatic

by Win Burke | Published September 10, 2022

Yes, we are back in Croatia. We will be here until mid-October, enjoying the shoulder season when the weather and water are still warm, and the crowds have thinned. We are spending a couple of weeks at our beach house in Gradac, Dalmatia on the Adriatic Coast, enjoying the beach and the views of the sunset over the island of Hvar pictured above – of course, accompanied by some awesome wine. Next week we will be visiting some Dalmatian wineries on Pelješac and Korčula to explore some potential additions to our portfolio. In 2 weeks, we will be joined by some of our distributors, and we will spend the following 2 weeks with them touring some wineries in Dalmatia, Plešivica and Istria.

(Note – this is the part of our business we most enjoy!)

Look for some new wines by the end of the year.

Mirena and Win