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Our new distributor in Massachusetts – 21st Century Wine Co.

by Simon Solis-Cohen | Published May 2, 2020

Building our business has involved multiple fronts: sourcing wine in Croatia, shipping it to the US, distributing to restaurants and wine stores in MA, working with distributors in other states, and operating an online store. We wanted to initially be our own distributor in MA because we wanted to learn the business, and to be in close touch with the market trends and challenges the retailers experience.

However, as our business has expanded, so has our work load (a good thing!), and we no longer have sufficient time to recruit and service additional retailers in MA. So we have partnered with an excellent distributor which is familiar with low volume, premium wines from small boutique wineries – 21st Century Wine Co.

We will retain our direct relationships with a small number of our existing retailers in MA in order to keep in close touch with the pulse of the retail market, as well as to continue the friendships that we have formed.


Mirena and Win